Pet Society Paw Point Cheat

Looks like this is the most favorite Playfish Games. Well, well.
Some of the players of this game are looking for the cheat.
There are Paw Point Cheat and Coin Cheat.
Cheat Engine 5.5
Adobe Flash Player 9
Firefox 3.0.5 (Opera can be used as well as Firefox)
But, the coin cheat deactivated by the Maintenance of Pet Society.
But, the Paw Point cheat is still working! How??
1. Open Pet Society
2. Play the ball 5 times
3. Open Cheat Engine 5.5, you can download that here
4. Choose the program Firefox (or other browser, but the best suggestion if Firefox)
5. Value: 840FFF85C12A0FF2
6. Tick Hex, Also read scan Memory, Change value type to 8 bytes.
7. First scan, then there are 2 results. (If there are 3, ignore first)
8. Right-click to second address, Disassemble,
9. Right-click to the first code that appear, Toggle break point, yes.
10.Play the ball 5 times again
11.After your 5th click, if your pet play the ball and the screen hasn't freeze yet, that means the Paw Point Cheat is successful.
12.After the screen freeze, go to cheat engine through Alt+Tab,
13.Change ECX to 9999. (But if your level still <20, sometimes the game will retry). To anticipate it, use lower amount, example:3000
14.Move to other rooms.
15.If you do social interaction, the screen will freeze. Do the same way if you want keep cheating. If enough, close Cheat Engine!
Tell me if it doesn't work. And I will do this for you
Cheers, Michael...


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